She’s getting married because of this

I am a bridesmaid in my friend’s wedding this weekend. She and I have been friends for almost 7 years. I tell this story to a lot of people (and she knows!) and I want to say it to you. Here’s what I respect the most about her and why I know she’s getting married to this INCREDIBLE man: SHE DIDN’T GIVE UP.
Let me tell you, she has been through some SHIT.
Haven’t we all?!
I haven’t met ANYONE who hasn’t had their heart broken, who hasn’t gone through hardships, who had a picture-perfect childhood.
She didn’t give up, even though she WANTED to several times.
Are we really going to use those reasons as reasons to close our heart?
What if there is a partner WAITING for you?
Waiting for you to open your arms to love?
Waiting for you to pick yourself back up one more time and GET BACK ONLINE or be willing to say “I’ll wait and I’ll wait for the real thing.” And you keep dating.
Impatience is a form of control. Love cannot enter into any heart that is trying to control everything. You may have a partner from control, but you won’t experience the real thing.
I know you want the REAL thing. I know because you’re reading this blog. Because you keep reading my emails and posts. Because you are HERE on this planet with this desire in your heart.
The Universe works WITH you. It takes tremendous courage to love and tremendous courage to not give up.
My beautiful friend is marrying the most beautiful man for her. He’s perfect FOR HER and totally her person. This is the greatest gift. To see the people that are just meant to be together.