There are 2 Types of Women Trying to Find Love

There are two types of women trying to find love and both types will not.
I’m going to tell you why AND how to become the kind of woman who DOES find love.
Woman #1: The woman who does it all.
She is making finding love her priority. She’s going on tons of dates, she’s on tons of apps, she’s going out a lot and scouting for single men when she’s out, she MAY even be telling all her friends she’s single and to be on the lookout for single men and wanting to get set up. Hell, she may even hire a matchmaker. She is DOING ALL THE THINGS.
So why isn’t it working?
Because she’s not focused on how she’s BEING.
You can do all the things and it still won’t work because you’re not conscious of your ENERGY and your BELIEFS.
Let’s face it together. If you DO NOT BELIEVE you will find Love, but you’re out there working really hard at it, guess what? Your belief is RIGHT. If you do not believe you are worthy, beautiful, wonderful, a great choice for a man, or that there are even great guys out there it doesn’t MATTER what you’re doing.
Our BELIEFS shape our reality. Beliefs work is the core work my 1:1 clients do because guess where our beliefs come from? You guessed right: childhood.
If you’re a woman who is “doing all the things” and finding yourself working really f*cking hard to find love, I invite you to STOP and ask “Do I have empowering BELIEFS that are supporting me? Do I believe in MYSELF? How am I BEING on dates?” If you’re hunting for a husband you’re most likely NOT showing up fully present and happy and full. You’re on the hunt and he knows it.
There’s inner work to be done (and it won’t lead you to trying harder) and that’s what I’m here for.
Woman #2: She’s focused on her way of BEING only.
As in, doing all the spiritual work. Maybe you’ve got your vision board, your angel cards, you’ve written your ideal man out, you’re manifesting like a mofo and you’re telling yourself you BELIEVE, you really do believe, and you KNOW you’re meant for Love.
But the last time you actually went on a date was months ago. Years ago. The last time you actually MET someone was months ago. Years ago.
You’re single because you’re not DATING.
Dating doesn’t mean you have to be on 100 apps. Dating doesn’t mean finding love has to be front and center in your life. Dating means you make it matter. Your energy, your time, your longing for Love. So you put yourself out there.
If you’re focused on the spiritual work and you really believe, but you’re not dating, you’re still scared.
It all comes back to our inner world.
Maybe you’re scared of rejection. Maybe you’re scared of getting your heart broken again. Maybe you’re scared of intimacy. So you’re hiding. Hiding in the “spiritual” work rather than being out there making connections. Out there enjoying yourself! Out there fully living your life.
There isn’t a magical moment.
I’m sorry. I know. That’s what Disney promised you. A magic moment where you “just know” you’ve found the one.
Life and love is made up of a series of moments. It takes TIME to get to that wedding day and a wedding day is so NOT the “be all end all” of love. That’s one day. What happens every other day of your relationship?!
You deserve it all. You deserve the wedding of your dreams if that’s what you want. You deserve a partner who adores you, EVERY DAY, not just some of the time. You deserve to have it all.
It doesn’t have to be so hard.
There IS another way.
That is what I teach you.
This is the new way of Love.
Right now there are two possibilities of working together. Inside a 1:1 container with me or in my group program Committed to Love.
Want to learn how to become a woman who meets and keeps the partner of her dreams?
Let’s get on the phone together next week and explore what’s possible for you.
I love you. It’s ALL possible. You just have to believe it too (every part of you on board. Not 5% or 30% or 90%. 100 freaken hundred percent. On board and aligned with truth).
Can’t wait to connect with you.