An Essential Truth to Partnership (you’re going to want to read this!)

My loves,
I really love that at the end of the day everything is about relationship. I love that LIFE teaches me so much and when I really hear myself speak about something I can always bring it back to relationship.
I said to my friend the other day about her 5 month old baby “I can’t wait to see who she becomes!” We chatted about the gift of watching her baby girl grow up and the excitement that brings. We imagined who she will be, we were curious about what she will love and what will make her happy. Conscious parenting is the practice of having zero agenda for your kids. A conscious parent allows their child (of course with boundaries!) to become who they are, to support their dreams and goals and passions without projecting their own unlived life onto them.
Know where this is going?
Imagine waking up every day with “I can’t wait to see who we become.”
I said that in my vows. “I promise to make space for you to BECOME who you are meant to be, not to fit you into some image of who I think you should be for me. I promise to share myself with you as I change and let you be there for me.”
We fantasize about the promise of “forever” and marriage becomes the place we think we can crawl back into the WOMB of safety and security and all of our needs are met. Turns out marriage is not a womb at all. Marriage is not a place to project your fantasy of relationship onto it either.
is a SACRED CONTAINER that will hold the ingredients necessary for
alchemy if two people let it. If two people hold ZERO AGENDA on the other
person and for their lives!
THIS is the magic and mystery of partnership.
This is what’s keeping you from actually having what you say you want – you have an agenda, you have a big script of what he/she will say/do for you. I have to say it again and again, will you let yourself be surprised?
Will you let LIFE surprise you and learn the skills and tools to be equipped to navigating an ever changing life?
My clients let go. They let go of the agenda – the agenda of a timeline, the agenda of HOW their partner will show up, the agenda of what their partner looks like, the agenda of the scripted romantic comedy “meet” and get over themselves to be willing to try online all the while knowing they COULD meet their partner ANYWHERE and their partner could also ALREADY BE in their life (like the clients who fell in love with their best friends, the guy their friend tried to set them up with a year prior but their heart was closed…. to name a few).
Love has no agenda.
There is intention – but no agenda.
The next round of Committed to Love is coming soon, women are already messaging me ASKING for it so I KNOW this one will sell out. A sacred container of relationship for *6* women who vow to walk the path of sacred love, healthy and holy love, vow to learn how to live from the TRUTH of who they are and embrace the givens of Life. Showing up fully, over and over again.
This is for single women, partnered women, married women. A program for WOMEN about Love.
If you’re curious to learn more send me an email.