It Happens When You Least Expect It….

It happens when you least expect it is bullshit.
There’s a lot of bullshit dating advice out there and I want to tackle this one for you today, ok? Not only because this is really damaging dating advice, but it actually damages relationships too. If you’re in a relationship, keep reading! This will help you too 🙂
I hate this advice because it’s most often given by people who don’t actually know what to say to you that would be helpful. i.e. parents, aunts or uncles or friends that don’t have the courage to say “You might want to hire a relationship coach.”
It’s crap advice AND there is SOME truth to it that could actually be said in a MUCH MORE helpful way and give you something to work with. It’s crap advice because it essentially sets you up to think you just have to stop trying, or stop going on dates, or just completely let your desire go. Which is NOT the answer.
I know you are not still single because you WANT to be single. In fact, I know you really don’t want to be single. But if you’ve been single for a long time and it’s not working out for you, guess what? Something IS off.
Love comes when you’re committed to finding it AND you’re receptive to it. If you’re really committed to finding Love, you are doing a variety of different things.
1. You’re actually dating
2. You’re only going on dates with people who share the same values as you and actually want a relationship TOO
3. You’re well versed in your patterns so you know what to look out for when you’re dating and
4. You are RELAXED.
When you’re receptive to love, you’re willing to be surprised. When you aren’t trying so freaking hard or desperately and anxiously looking. When your actions are matched with the most beautiful magnetism and openness and confidence. When you ALLOW love in. When you LET love in. When you’re not rushing.
Are you walking through life tapped IN to your wholeness and WORTH and magnetism?
Or are you walking through life afraid, lonely, desperate, anxiously searching for a partner? Or walking through life unwilling to take action towards Love because you’re afraid of getting hurt?
Relationship coaching is about healing, more than anything.
It’s SO MUCH BIGGER than just finding a partner. Especially because the SKILLS of dating are the SKILLS of Love. You can FIND a partner and have NO IDEA what it takes to CREATE a great relationship. Let’s face it, most people aren’t happy out there!!!!
It’s BECOMING YOURSELF. It’s about your LEGACY. About EVERY PERSON who will be impacted by you and your open heart. Becoming THE Lover of LIFE! Becoming someone who ALLOWS life and trusts life and most of all, trusts love.
So here’s the deal. It happens when you’re not forcing anything to happen. It happens at the exact RIGHT perfect time for your exact right perfect journey.
If you’re in a relationship, I can’t even begin to tell you how many women write to me about needing help in their partnership, but then say “We just need more time” or “We just need to get through this busy period of our lives.” I feel so sad hearing that because nothing changes if nothing changes. TIME isn’t what you need. INTENTION is what you need. This is how dating works and this is how relationships works. Without intention, this is how people go months without having sex, without spending time together, without dealing with the problems they actually are facing in their relationship. This is why I am so passionate about relationship coaching. Because wherever you are in your love journey, I can help you. Relationship actually IS something you can learn and something we’ve never been taught how to do.
And if finding your forever partner hasn’t happened yet, and you feel like you’ve been spinning your wheels (and you’re sick of everyone giving you advice), you need help and THAT’S OK! I hired a relationship coach too! There ARE ways we can speed it up. YES, there are things to LEARN so that WHEN your partner comes, you’re truly ready.
Andrew could not have happened one second sooner for me.
I want to help you too.
I want to help the women who are committed to BEING HELPED and doing what they need to do to create the Love life they want.
If that’s you, let’s talk! I offer free 45 minute sessions.
Email me now with “I am ready.”
I can’t wait to hear from you.