Are you starving for Love?

What do you tend to eat when you’re starving?
When you haven’t gone to the grocery store, when you’ve waited all day to eat, what do you grab? Without any preparation or mindfulness, you grab CRAP. Without preparation (as in, bringing healthy choices for yourself when you are on the road) the only options on the go are fast food.
When we are starving, we grab at whatever we can get, versus pausing to ask “Is this what I want? What would nourish me?”
When we don’t prepare, we grab crap. Because it’s easier, faster, cheaper.
Welcome to what it’s like dating from empty. If you’re starving for love, you’ll take whatever you can get. If you’re starving for love, you’ll grab what’s easiest and fastest, but it won’t nourish you, it won’t fulfill you and you remain wanting more. You won’t be satisfied.
You’ll be moved by unconscious forces versus making conscious choices about WHO actually nourishes you. Who the best partner is for you, someone who will feed your heart, not your fear or desperation or anxiety.
The unconscious forces of our love lives are the toxic attractions many feel they can’t get out of or can’t change. The unconscious forces of our love lives keep us doing what doesn’t work, keep us doing what’s familiar, keep us doing what’s safe.
What’s familiar won’t be fulfilling.
Only you know if what you’re doing is working or not -> do you have what you want? Are you having FUN dating? Are you attracting the kinds of people you want to be around?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
You get to CHOOSE your partner. It IS a choice you’ll make and hopefully you’ll want to choose who is ALSO choosing you.
CHOOSING your life partner is quite possibly one of the MOST important choices you’ll make, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Learning how to actually make choices in partnership rather than simply “falling” into it is the work of Love. Learning your habits and patterns, and then how to shift them is the work of Love.
All the skills of dating are the skills of Love.
All the preparation you do FOR partnership is what sets you up well for healthy partnership.
Of course the work doesn’t end, but at the end of the day the work of healing is about choice. Learning how to respond to life rather than react. Learning how to be willing to choose what’s GOOD for you, all around.
There is a path. My clients are walking it every day. Turning their love lives around at the exact pace life wants for them. There’s no quick fix or quick answer and there’s no easy way. Because the easy way is fast food. A temporary fix. Not satisfying, nourishing, delicious!
This is the work of healing. May you have the courage to look, with someone walking beside you, at the choices you’re making and the places you’ve been unconscious and build the strength to see clearly the gift of who you are, the gift of what you need and the gift you have to offer another AND the world. If you’re wanting to learn the new way of Love, Conscious love, I have a spot open for 1:1 coaching and Committed to Love is coming again soon.
If you want to learn, if you’re sick of doing what doesn’t work, sick of feeling hungry for Love, send me a message.
I love you, I got you, there is a way.