On love and happiness

Whether you are single or in a relationship, I want you to know something:
Happy people are attractive people.
Imagine being on a date and the person sitting across from you says, “I really don’t like my life that much, I am obsessed with finding a partner, I’m on like 10 dating apps and I know that once I find the right person, then I’ll be happy”
^^^ Would YOU go out with that person again? No. You wouldn’t.
Our partners aren’t responsible for our happiness AND somehow this gets lost in the mix that we think we can’t expect our partner’s to make us happy! OF COURSE they contribute to our happiness, OF COURSE a healthy partner will WANT to make you happy!!
Want to know what so many men say about marriage? They aren’t unhappy in their marriage, THEY ARE UNHAPPY THEIR WIFE IS UNHAPPY.
Healthy love means I CARE about your happiness. I CARE if I am not making you happy. I CARE about the impact I am having on you.
The right person for you makes you happy!!!
The “when I look across the room I can’t believe I GET to have YOU happiness” and the person looking back FEELS THE SAME WAY.
If you get into relationship too quickly, you have ZERO idea if this person can actually make you happy.
The PERSON makes you happy.
Not the engagement ring. Not the FB relationship status change. Not the wedding you get to plan.
You are NOT asking for too much to be happy in your relationship, and if you’re NOT happy in your relationship, that’s really GREAT information for you to DO SOMETHING with. It’s an invitation to consider.
Do you KNOW what makes you happy?
I think most women are unhappy because they don’t know what makes them happy and they don’t know they deserve to be happy.
I stayed in my relationship with my ex because I didn’t think I deserved to be happy. I certainly wasn’t taking responsibility for how I felt.
I see so many single women abandoning their LIVES in search for love and they aren’t happy in their life and they are thinking they’ll be happy WHEN they find a partner, but they don’t even know how to CHOOSE a healthy partner.
I know so many women who rarely compliment or affirm their partner, they are complaining or simply silent because they don’t know they deserve to be happy and they don’t know how to communicate from their heart.
You deserve to be happy.
You deserve to FEEL GOOD in your life and there is a PATH to get you there.
This is Committed to Love. The path of healing, transformation, growth and responsibility. The path that will change your ENTIRE LIFE.
Enrollment is open.
I always love the round I offer near the end of the year because we welcome in the NEW year TOGETHER.
Let this be the end of thinking you aren’t allowed to be happy or you don’t get to be happy or you don’t get to have what you want.
I love you, click here to email me to talk about Committed to Love.