Do you know this statistic?

Hi love,
Now, as a relationship expert, I certainly am always watching the research, trends and statistics about Love. I know many people talk a lot about our current divorce rate (which right now is 41%), but that’s the divorce rate for FIRST marriages.
Yes, the divorce rate is going down and I attribute that to a LOT of things, mainly that we are getting married later.
However, do you know the divorce rate for SECOND and THIRD marriages?
Ready for this: for second marriages the rate is about 60% and for third marriages the rate is around 73%.
Now, I’m not saying this to scare you….
Actually, that’s a lie. I AM.
It IS scary and ALARMING, but not that surprising to me.
If you’re on a conscious path, then this wouldn’t be a surprise to you either because guess what we bring to second and third marriages? OURSELVES.
The common denominator is YOU.
Now, we don’t have to be married two or three times to find this in our relationships.
Do you keep DATING the same person over and over again?
Do you keep having the SAME outcome in your relationships over and over again?
I did. All of my boyfriends were the same. Selfish, commitment-phobes. Really, that was it. I’m sure you could make a list right now of the THEMES of the men you’re dating.
And I want you to do that.
Take out a piece of paper and make a list of ADJECTIVES (keep it focused to 2-3) about EVERY boyfriend you’ve ever had.
What do you see?
Do you keep telling yourself that you need to just “date more” in order to find the one?
I want to challenge that.
Sure, going on dates helps. But WHO you are going on dates WITH is actually what is going to impact your love life.
All of the work I do is about changing the only thing that we ever CAN change, and that’s YOU.
And you don’t have to do this alone.
My 6 month program Committed to Love is open for enrollment now. It’s 6 months because it takes TIME and commitment to change our patterns of behavior.
Seriously, how many books and blogs and YouTube videos have you watched? You get it that that’s not enough, right?
It’s DAILY devotion and remembrance and most of all a whole GROUP of women cheering you on PLUS ME!!! Every day, for 6 months. The building blocks to an extraordinary life and relationship and the tools that you’ll have FOREVER to ENSURE you not only find an epic partnership, but keep a great relationship going.
GONE is the story that the honeymoon can’t last forever and GONE are the patterns that have kept you stuck for decades.
It’s time.
How will the rest of 2019 and 2020 be different for you?
I’d love to support you.
Don’t be a statistic.
Don’t stick with the status quo.
You GET to have more, you GET to ASK for more and you CAN have what you dream of.
I will show you how in Committed to Love.
Send me an email and let’s talk.
I’m running a CRAZY $1000 discount right now if you sign up before September 10.
Love you,