Love Letter: Put Yourself First (1/12/22)

I hope your week is going well!
This week’s Love Letter is for all of the women who keep putting everyone else first rather than themselves. This is for all of the women who feel like they are being “selfish” when they care for their well-being first and all of the women who can’t seem to find a partner who wants to commit.
Your midweek mantra is, “When I prioritize myself, everything else in my life falls into place.”

If you want someone to put you first, what you’re doing is asking them to put themselves second, and that’s not how a healthy partnership works.
There is nothing sexier than someone who prioritizes their own well-being first and then prioritizes the relationship.
When the relationship is prioritized, a lot of magical things happen – time spent together, meaningful conversations, discussion of a future, and difficult conversations are had about finances, sex, boundaries, and family.
When the relationship is prioritized, you know where you stand. You will know how someone feels about you, and they will want much more than just sex. There are no mixed signals. There is commitment and full participation inside the relationship.
When someone prioritizes a relationship, they understand that it’s important to nurture it.
That is the behavior of someone who prioritizes partnership and someone who is capable of being a partner to you.
The women who keep saying, “I want someone who prioritizes me!” have not yet made themselves a priority. 👀
Because it’s not about wanting someone else to prioritize you, it’s about wanting someone who prioritizes the partnership. AND you must prioritize yourself.
I am so grateful for my husband and my commitment to our own health, happiness, well-being first and then our relationship.
A relationship is only as healthy as the people in it.
When the relationship is a priority, it’s not taken for granted, and it’s not assumed that it just will always be there.
It is nurtured because it is an energy unto itself, an energy that will have seasons of change and won’t ever stay exactly the same, but it’s prioritized by responding to the energy it’s in.
Take care of yourself, take responsibility for your happiness, and watch how magnetic you become. 💖
Ways to prioritize yourself:
- Slow down
- Focus on what makes you happy (and then do those things!)
- Learn to say no more
- Spend time with people who contribute to your happiness and let go of the ones that don’t
- Have a self-care routine (like prioritizing sleep, drinking lots of water, moving your body, etc)
All of this is prioritizing your well-being!
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “First Date Mistakes.” We’re breaking down the most common first date mistakes that stop women from attracting high-quality love or getting a second date! Listen to hear not only what the mistakes are but how to stop making them and what to do differently.
I love you,