Love Letter: Your Perfect Match (1/26/22)

Have you ever thought about what it takes to choose the best partner for you?
Your midweek mantra is, “The best FOR me brings out the best IN me.” ✨

We don’t always realize we are doing this until we stop and take a look, but I’m wondering if you ARE looking for someone EXACTLY like you?
They don’t exist because there is only one YOU!
Here’s the thing, all of the research shows that how a couple navigates *differences* and imperfections is what strengthens the relationship. It’s what helps a relationship last!
This does not mean you should compromise on your values or standards, nor does it mean stop looking for shared interests.
It means get honest if you’ve had a long crazy list of looking for someone exactly like you, which might look like looking for someone who…
*makes the exact same amount of money as you
*has done the same amount of personal development work as you
*has the same relationship with their family as you
…to name a few!
The vulnerability is navigating differences in a relationship, making decisions together, honoring one another’s dreams and needs, and, of COURSE, sharing a vision for what you want to create *together* because that’s the point.
Start looking for someone…
💘 to build a life with
💘 your soul feels SAFE with
💘 who is capable of honoring and respecting differences
💘 who is empathetic and kind
💘 who loves you for exactly who you are
This asks us to really look deeply to hold our values and standards of behavior and to look at where we may be too rigid in thinking they need to be exactly like us.
It is an art and a skill to date, to choose a partner, and to navigate intimacy. This is what I have been teaching my clients throughout my ten years of business and what I am here for.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “Is your “picker” broken? How to stop ending up with the wrong people.” Have you wondered if you’re “too picky?” or why you keep ending up with toxic or available people? Learn how to ditch this patterning for good and why we don’t believe in using the term “picky” at all!
I love you,