Love Letter: What Fairytales Got Wrong (2/16/22)

What a week, and it’s only Wednesday! Happy Post-Valentine’s Day (and all the feelings that go along with it), and on top of that, on Monday, I shared that my husband and I are expecting a baby girl joining our family this summer! Thank you for all of your sweet comments and messages – we are over the moon.
I am celebrating every human on this planet that is choosing to raise their consciousness around love.
Your midweek mantra is, “I trust the Love that I AM to guide me in all my decisions romantically.” ✨

When you recognize that you are already whole, that YOU are responsible for your aliveness, and when you know *exactly* what to look for, that’s when everything falls into place.
When you are able to recognize your fearful behaviors, like people-pleasing, performing, perfectionism, and thinking you need to “earn” love, that’s when you can have compassion for yourself and choose differently.
The fairytale also got wrong the idea that “we just need to meet the right person.” As if the right person somehow makes US magically able to communicate well, manage our feelings and triggers and stay true to ourselves. That’s not true at all.
There is no knight in shining armor, but there is a partner that you won’t have to chase or convince to show up for you.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How to Avoid Getting Tinder Swindled.” Inspired by the new Netflix docufilm “The Tinder Swindler,” we unpack the dangers of the fairytale and how you can protect yourself from being swindled, scammed, or manipulated on a dating app. We share more psychological truths about the women in the film and how important it is for you to liberate yourself from romantic fairytale stories to have safe, epic love.
I love you,