Love Letter: A Partner that Honors Your Heart (3/2/22)

Can you believe it’s March already?! It feels like this year is flying, and I hope you are doing well and caring for your heart these days.
Love is experienced through our hearts, and so many people spend their lives keeping their hearts closed without even realizing it. Our hearts are closed when we avoid our feelings, distract from our feelings, judge our feelings, or make other people responsible for our feelings.
When we move through our lives honoring our own hearts, that is how we find the partner who reflects that, too.
Your midweek mantra is, “As I honor my own heart, I attract people who honor my heart too.” ✨

It all starts with caring for our own hearts, and this is self-love.
When we love ourselves, we reveal ourselves to others. When we love ourselves, it matters how we feel.
Many people aren’t connected to their feelings or, when dating, only looking for intense feelings of chemistry and attraction and miss out on the signs of lack of safety, kindness, respect, and peace.
Here’s a secret: in a healthy relationship there’s peace.
To care for ourselves means to care about how we feel both in our bodies and our lives.
Healing happens when we take responsibility for our feelings and stop expecting others to read our minds or make us happy.
You’ll know if you’ve found a quality person by what happens WHEN you share your feelings with them:
👉 Do they respond with kindness and respect, or do they gaslight you?
👉 Do they honor what you reveal with compassion, or do they judge you?
👉 But more importantly, what is your relationship to your feelings?
To love is to care. May we have MANY people in our lives that care about our hearts, not just wait for one special partner, and then choose a partner that honors our heart because we choose to reveal it, and we model for them how it’s done.
I am so blown away by the men my clients end up with – high-quality, CARING, kind, devoted, committed men. I love the way my clients learn how to care for their own hearts and stop expecting anyone else to make them happy, and they stop being afraid of pain.
Consciousness is about embracing the full range of being human. The more healing we do, the MORE we feel, not less.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How to Thrive After a Breakup.” In this solo episode, Kate unpacks how to completely transform your perspective on endings – how to get comfortable with the void that comes after a breakup and use this potent time as a catalyst for creating a life you love.
I love you,