Love Letter: The Secret to Thriving Partnerships (3/9/22)

Happy Wednesday! Today’s message is incredibly important to me as the practice of asking for and receiving help is one of the things that has changed my life tremendously. I feel so honored to walk beside and guide women and couples who have the courage to ask and receive so they can have relationships that thrive.
Your midweek mantra is, “I deserve to thrive in my life.” ✨

One of the many things I am most proud of in my relationship is the amount of courage, willingness, and commitment Andrew and I have to make sure we each have support.
What does support look like for Andrew and I? It looks like investing time and energy in quality friendships, each of us having coaches and healers that we work with, each of us having activities that fulfill us outside of our partnership, and a coach we work with together. It also looks like each of us is committed to taking care of ourselves so that we bring the best to each other.
I have always had a wide base of support in my life, even before I met Andrew. I have the most incredible friends, a therapist and coach, energy healers, and a community. And, I know better than to expect my partner to be my everything.
My relationship thrives as a direct result of the amount of support we each have in our lives.
When we expect our partner to be our everything, we do not set ourselves up to thrive because no ONE person can meet all of our needs or be responsible for our happiness and fulfillment.
So many couples do this to each other, asking each other to be their everything.
Of COURSE, in a securely attached relationship, you can rely on each other and support each other emotionally, and that’s MORE than reasonable to expect (and needed!). The bond between one another is highly important and has a tremendous influence on how we show up in our lives.
Our friendships tremendously influence our dating and relational life.
I highly value therapy, coaching, and community.
Here are other types of support for you to consider:
- Group coaching programs or memberships
- Spiritual communities or church
- Meditation
- Fitness communities
I don’t need my partner’s journey to look like mine (I think it’s a mistake that many people think that’s what they need), but when we are dating we want to be curious about what kind of support someone has.
I am grateful for my village, the healers and teachers I have found that have been perfect for me, and I am so passionate about breaking the shame around asking for help.
We become like the five people we spend the most time with, so choose wisely.
I recommend you prioritize relationships, not just romantic, but quality friendships and community to have a full, happy life! It’s something we ALL need!
As we grow our family, I am tremendously grateful for the amount of support we will have and how many people already love our baby.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “Stop Listening To THIS Dating Advice.” Kate and I highlight the dating advice that keeps women feeling more disempowered in their love life, confused about how to be, and frustrated with dating. Ditch this advice, and we’ll teach you how to completely shift your experience so you can enjoy dating, feel empowered and grow.
Many people live with a hyper-individualistic attitude that they are supposed to do it all alone and then magically wait for the “right” partner to come along that they can rely on. I invite you to get curious about your relationship to ask for help, receive help, and what it would be like to nurture your friendships. We are designed to be connected to each other, and you deserve to thrive in your life.
I love you,