Love Letter: Stop Trying to “Attract” Love (& do this instead) (4/27/22)

Last night was the final call of my live group coaching program – Dating Decoded Digging Deeper!
I have spent the past 10 weeks with an extraordinary group of women who have been WILLING to give up everything they’ve been taught and what they think they know about dating and relationships to learn what it takes to create the real thing.
After 10 years of working with clients who come to me after spending extraordinary amounts of time trying to ATTRACT a partner (but don’t 💔), I teach them how to do something different, and it’s this: becoming available for love and partnership.
Your midweek mantra is, “I am open to Love. Love flows to me and from me.”✨

I know there is a lot said about “attracting” partnership, but spoiler alert… it’s not really about attracting a partner.
There are countless things written about “how to stop attracting emotionally unavailable people,” but the thing is – we don’t “attract” unavailable people or people who aren’t right for us; we accept them. Ouch.
We are available for the UNAVAILABLE rather than being super clear that we are only available for real love.
We accept unavailable people or people who are wrong for us because we haven’t done the inner work to become available for a different experience than the one we had in childhood or the ones we’ve been used to with toxic people.
Becoming available for love is about believing you are lovable, believing you are enough and worthy, and saying NO to who and what is NOT aligned and who and what does NOT work for you.
Becoming available for love is about growing up into a mature adult, rather than seeking the love your inner child never received or wanting a “perfect” relationship.
Becoming available for love is about emotional intelligence, the skill of communicating clearly and directly, and knowing how to SPOT a healthy, secure partner.
Becoming available for love is often about giving up all of your IDEAS about love, the fairytale we’ve been taught, or the stories we’ve been told through the media so that you can show up for the real thing.
Availability is about openness, curiosity, playfulness, and the courage to grow.
Available for LOVE…
❤️🔥 is available for partnership
❤️🔥 means it’s letting the love that you are LEAD every area of your life rather than going out and “looking” for it
❤️🔥 means you are no longer letting fear lead your dating and relationship life
When we’ve never known a healthy or secure partnership, it can feel like a daunting feat, but it’s so possible to heal, grow and meet someone who wants to grow right along with you.
This is what I do: I help my clients in all of my programs transform their limiting beliefs into truth, develop the skills needed to create a healthy partnership, and open their hearts to be available for the right person for them.
If you’ve wished to work with me or work with me again – I have an announcement 🎉
I have ONE spot for a new 1:1 client with a special three-month package (normally, a six-month commitment) before I take my maternity leave in July!
Click here to apply to work with me and claim this package.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How to Stop Falling for Potential.” We reveal why women choose partners based on potential or what’s commonly known as “project relationships.” Listen to learn why you have this pattern and how to break free, so you can actually be and feel met in all your relationships.
I love you,