Love Letter: How We Push Love Away (6/1/22)

Happy JUNE! I can’t believe we are almost halfway through 2022. 

I am two months away from baby girl’s arrival and still feeling great! As my due date gets closer I am feeling very reflective and finding myself in a contemplative place – a lot is on my heart. 

I keep saying it (and probably won’t stop) but I am SUPER proud of my relationship with Andrew and who we are right now as we prepare to welcome our baby into our world. This did not happen easily, but happened over and over as a commitment to being ourselves in our relationship. 

FEAR holds so many people back and almost all of the work I do with clients in preparation for healthy relationship is teach how to transform fear so we can fully be ourselves in the world. This is certainly what I plan to teach my daughter – that who she is enough – and worth loving. 

Speaking of which, I hope you know that YOU ARE WORTH LOVING! However, you can only be loved, if you let the world see the real you. 

Your midweek mantra is, “I let the world see who I really am so I can be loved for who I really am.✨

There are four primary blocks to authenticity: 

🛑 people-pleasing

🛑 proving

🛑 perfectionism 

🛑 performing

These four behaviors show up in dating, and they keep Love away. 

They show up (especially for women) in ALL relationships, not just romantic. 

It’s really hard to love OURSELVES when we are doing these behaviors because behind each of them is the idea that who we are is not enough. 

We have to people-please to be liked, we have to prove ourselves to be validated, we have to perfect ourselves in an attempt to try to be loved, and we perform (especially on dates) because we think we have to become MORE of who we are. 

Homecoming is the path back to yourself. It’s my signature, self-guided program that takes you on a healing journey of embodying your self-worth, healing these protective patterns, embodying self-respect and boundaries, and reclaiming the wholeness of masculine and feminine energy within. 

It’s the 5-week permission slip to become all that you are so you stop holding back in ANY area of your life, especially Love. 

Maybe you’re already IN a relationship, and you’re afraid to ask for more, or maybe you’re single, and you’re struggling to name what you desire; this program is for you. 

The doors are open to Homecoming today! Gain the self-confidence you’ve always dreamed of and the clarity you need to live a life of authenticity, vulnerability, and courage. Homecoming is for ALL women, regardless of relationship status.


Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How to Stop Overthinking in Dating and Relationships.” In this episode, we unpack all the subtle and not-so-subtle ways women overthink in dating and relationships. If you are someone who constantly second guesses, overanalyzes, is full of self-doubt, and is worried about what others think about you -this episode is for you! Learn how to stop overthinking once and for all, so you can deeply love & trust yourself in every area of your life.  

I love you,