Love Letter: Do You Have A Vision For Love? (8/24/22)

If you have been following me for a while and listening to The New Truth podcast, you know that I never ask my clients to write a “list” of what they want in a partner. Instead, I ask them to write a vision for their partnership.
It is vulnerable to have a vision for our lives, including the kind of experiences we want to have, the person WE want to be, and what we want to accomplish.
Many women get lost in partnership because they give up the vision for THEIR life and focus on where their partner is going or what they want. The best partnerships bring out the best in each other and will not ask you to sacrifice your dreams and goals to keep them.
My vision always included children, and I am so, so grateful to be celebrating five weeks with our little one! I will be resting next week, so there won’t be a Love Letter or any new posts on Instagram. I hope in some way you’ll join me, even if it’s for one day, not being on social media and giving yourself a break.
Your midweek mantra is, “My vision is my north star to the fulfillment, partnership, and happiness I desire. I let myself dream BIG!” ✨

This is one of my favorite quotes about love and partnership because when I heard it for the first time, it changed everything for me.
It’s about choosing a partner who wants to create something alongside you, looking outward at the vision you each want to create together.
This is very different from finding the person you want or thinking it’s someone else’s job to take you where you want to go.
Sometimes relationships end because there isn’t a shared vision or because, eventually, each person is going in different directions.
You must know what you want to create for yourself BEFORE you choose a partner and understand your values to find someone who is aligned.
This isn’t about being exactly the same – this is about having a shared purpose that brings you together to build a life together.
When I think about the kind of men my clients attract, it’s this: someone they can build a LIFE with; they stop chasing a feeling.
Ask yourself:
- Do you have a vision for your life – with or without partnership?
- Do you have a vision for the kind of partnership you want to experience?
- Do you have a vision for the kind of person YOU want to be in partnership and your life?
This is a primary exercise in my Open to Love dating program – designed for the woman who is sick of settling and is ready to claim the vision for partnership she wants and BECOME the woman available for it.
Click here to get started today!
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “Avoid These Attraction Killers.” We highlight the main behaviors women fall into that stop them from being their natural, magnetic, attractive selves. Listen to learn how to stop engaging in the behaviors that keep you from experiencing the love you desire.
I love you,