Love Letter: You’re With the Right Person When… (1/18/23)

Happy New Year!
I have been thinking a lot about the truth of the JOURNEY of life.
It’s easy, among our personal development world, to get caught up in believing there is a magical “arrival” when we’ve done “enough” work on ourselves or we perfectly love ourselves.
I think the truth of self love is the recognition that no matter how much work I’ve done, I’m humble enough to know that so long as I choose a path of growth, there will always be new layers. It never means I’ve fallen behind and it never means that the work I’ve done hasn’t been “enough.” It means I signed up for a life that’s full.
Your midweek mantra is, “I surround myself with people who remind me how lovable I am.”✨

The greatest gift of love is recognizing that we become more of who we are meant to be through loving and being loved.
Our stories of “not enough” can’t stick when we are loved well – this is what can be so confronting around relationships.
Who we date often reflects what we believe about ourselves, and that’s why the work matters.
The work isn’t about “becoming” enough – it’s about recognizing when we are behaving in alignment with that truth and when we are not.
It’s about getting vulnerable to how we tolerate bad behavior, how we chase love, and how we are afraid to be ourselves.
Relationships are meant to be a gift, friendships included!
We are here to love and be loved, period.
We are designed to need each other, and no one is designed to love themselves fully by just sitting at home doing affirmations or constantly attending workshops.
We are meant to be in the world, loving other people and having experiences that help us grow and evolve and learn about ourselves.
The best relationships are the ones in which we love ourselves more, and then we become more loving to the world.
All of my clients are blown away by this truth when they find their aligned partner. The cliches come true (like when you realize why it never worked out with anyone else) and they learn how to love themselves more. They see how easy it is to feel good about THEMSELVES when they are loved well. It all makes sense why the toxic relationships really were hard, because it’s very hard to feel good about yourself in them.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How to get him to show up for you.” In this episode, we share what to do when you feel like you aren’t getting what you need when dating and in your relationships. This is for the woman who wishes her man would step it up and grow with her in partnership or the woman when dating, can’t find the men who show up in the wayto she wants him to.
You don’t want to miss this episode of the podcast – there’s a secret revealed in it! 😉
I love you,