Love Letter: Why being honest from the start is everything (3/8/23)

Happy Wednesday!
You might be sick of hearing this, but relationships take work. Anyone who has moved beyond the honeymoon phase (which sometimes can last up to two years!) knows there’s a point we have to be willing to keep showing up. Great relationships are MADE, not stumbled upon. Great relationships all have one main thing in common: truth.
Your midweek mantra is, “My truth is my North Star guiding my relationships.”✨

It takes a lot of courage to look deeply at our patterns. It takes radical honesty to be able to say: what are the things I do out of fear, and what are the things I can do out of love?
All of us have protective patterns that keep us stuck in a relationship, and this is one that I’ve seen time and time again, especially with couples.
We live in a culture now where many people are so quick to end things, convinced that “with the right person,” certain things wouldn’t be so hard, rather than recognizing there are specific behavioral requirements needed to have a great relationship.
We live in a culture that has romanticized the lust phase, and no one is teaching us about what it means to truly love.
A few behavior requirements for healthy relating are:
🗸 asking for what you need rather than expecting someone to read your mind
🗸 being clear about your expectations
🗸 able to set and maintain boundaries
It’s way more vulnerable to do the things above than end the relationship and assume what someone is or isn’t capable of.
This is why being honest out of the gate is everything: you learn what someone is made of by saying what you’re worried about versus being afraid to voice concerns and resolving to figure it out later.
Every relationship is different. And every relationship has its own set of truths between partners – it’s up to you to advocate for what matters to you and be transparent.
It’s up to you to take a stand for your happiness. It’s up to you to ask for what you need and then let yourself RECEIVE. Sometimes, that’s the hardest thing to do.
You will only know if you can be met if you LET yourself find out by telling the truth and revealing your heart and see who wants to join you there.
Join the women who have walked the path of Open to Love, who faced their fears and past hurts, and refused to let it stop them from having the love they dreamt of.
In this 9-module program, I’ll show you how to stop letting fear hold you back, gain the skills needed for healthy love, and, most of all, be able to receive it rather than push it away. Open to Love is available for you now, and you can get started today.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “For The Woman Who’s Checked All the Boxes and Still Isn’t Happy.” Kate has an intimate, vulnerable conversation with a former client, Rachel Cowie. Rachel shares her story about how she broke free from following “the scripted” life, where she was driven by perfectionism but never felt good enough deep down to live a life that feels aligned with her soul.
I love you,