Love Letter: 6 sneaky signs your heart is closed (4/12/23)

I’ve worked with clients for 11 years now (my business anniversary was March 31!) and I’ve often seen the theme of someone WANTING love but their heart is closed to love.
We think we are open because we have the desire for partnership but there is so much in the way of really being able to receive it.
Your midweek mantra is, “My heart is open to give and receive love, to all of my feelings and all that life brings.”✨
Our hearts open through presence, peace, patience and compassion.
Our hearts are the key to creating love, meaningful connections, and the bridge from our past into the present moment.
We say we want love, but so many people are afraid of how it would feel to let it in, let go of the past, and do the work to become a mature, powerful, vulnerable adult.
On the path to love, we must first go to our hearts and be willing to see what’s being carried there.
We must learn how to sit with our feelings rather than avoid them, how to embrace what we feel rather than judge them, and how to share what we feel with others rather than expecting them to read our minds.
An open heart is one that is available to love.
An open heart is present, vulnerable, allowing, trusting, and connected.
We must be connected to our own hearts to know who is good for us, who is safe for us, and who is aligned with us.
This is why I created Open to Love, my signature dating program.
It’s the path of helping women heal their hearts and release the past to create the kind of relationship they dream of.
The program is a step-by-step map of healing, building confidence, and learning the skills needed for epic love.
Learn more about this program by clicking this link, and learn the gift of opening your heart for your future partner and YOU.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “The Truth About Soulmates & Twinflames.” If you are attached to someone who you believe is your twin flame or soulmate – or you’re longing to meet yours, this episode is for you! We unpack the truth and lies about soulmates and twin flames, so you can choose relationships in your life that are healthy and aligned with your soul.
Grateful for you,