Love Letter: Signs He Wants a Relationship (8/9/23)

Can you imagine if ALL parents understood that their parenting was going to impact their child’s capacity for healthy relationships? 🙂
I have been thinking a lot about my own healing journey and the continued healing that’s taking place now that I have been with my partner for 9+ years and since having a baby. The deconditioning of so much I learned was BIG WORK.
I love supporting women to raise their standards and be willing to take a stand for what it is they wish to experience in love and it brings me great joy to hear the stories of my clients living these partnerships.
I hope my daughter, should she choose to want a relationship, will know how she deserves to be treated and most importantly, not to ever take anyone else’s behavior, personally.
This week’s topic feels important for me in empowering you to tell the difference between someone who is truly interested and someone who just wants a casual fling.
Your midweek mantra is, “It is up to me and me alone to take a stand for what I desire.”✨
For those doing the work of recovering from emotional neglect in childhood or those recovering from unhealthy relationships, it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who enjoys spending time with you and is casually interested in you versus someone who really wants to build a partnership with you.
I work with clients who want their life PARTNER and there are key differences between someone who is happy to casually date you and spend time with you versus someone who wants to build a life with you.
Lots of people make decisions way too quickly or misinterpret signs. These are the big ones for me:
No one person is doing all of the work – both people can influence each other by inviting each other to things, suggesting dates, etc.
There is a flow of energy.
Making decisions together is SO BIG.
Beware of the person who is always “in charge” and inflexible around things that you want, too.
Again, influencing each other is too important.
Partnership is about RELIANCE – not DEPENDENCE.
We must know the difference.
Being able to rely on someone is being able to say, “I’ve got you. I’ve got your back.”
Someone who wants to be in a relationship with you embodies that energy, not someone who wants to “save” you but someone who wants to be there for you.
People who are ready to build partnerships share one another’s life – with an appropriate timeline!
There is no rush.
There is a steady build of spending more time together and sharing one another’s life. (This takes time!)
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “The #1 Thing Harming Your Relationships.” We’re revealing the mindset and behavior that keeps you feeling exhausted, depleted, and disheartened by dating and in relationships. Learn how to shift this behavior to reclaim your energy and create harmonious relationships.
I love you,