Love Letter: The Power of Choosing Yourself (8/16/23)

Happy Wednesday, my friend! I hope you are having a good week. I have been thinking a lot about the quote, “Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you,” and what it actually takes for someone to change their love life.
My clients transform their love lives because they transform themselves. They become the kind of person who has boundaries, the kind of woman who loves herself, the kind of woman who rests in her own life and never has a reason to chase or convince someone else to love her.
I believe the path to fulfill any of our desires, no matter what they are, is a path of becoming. I had to become a new version of myself to leave working for a non-profit at 24 years old and begin my business.
Even though I gave birth on July 19, 2022, it takes time to become “mother.” I honor wherever you are on your journey of becoming, and I love that I get to work with so many women as they choose new and empowering ways of being.
Your midweek mantra is, “It is only an empowering choice when choosing them means choosing me.”✨

The need to be “chosen” is rooted in emotional neglect.
We chase, convince, force, and manipulate in order to have someone “choose us” because we are desperately trying to heal the wound of not feeling like we were important or mattered to our caregivers.
This leaves so many women unaware of what it actually feels like to be valued, respected, and desired.
When our childhood wounds run the show, we are more anxious to “capture” the boyfriend/partner rather than paying attention to how that person actually behaves and whether or not we are really connected to ourselves while dating them.
I have listened to so many women over ten years share about how they betrayed themselves, sacrificed themselves, abandoned themselves, and gave up on things they needed in partnership just to hang on to the person they were dating, which, of course, eventually ended.
I want you to know there is a way of choosing yourself, honoring yourself, and being committed to yourself that enhances the kind of partnership you want to be in. GONE are the days where self-abandonment and martyrdom are the norm in partnership and womanhood.
I work with women ready to choose themselves, honor themselves, and pursue their desire for partnership with grace and conviction.
Women who are ready to heal the endless cycle of disappointment and feeling like something is missing.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How to Find and Aligned Match.” Listen to hear us show you everything that is getting in the way of attracting an aligned partner for you. If you are frustrated with dating and really ready for high-quality love in your life – this episode is for you!
I love you,