Love Letter: Hard Truths About Relationships (9/20/23)

I just spent this past weekend with one of my best friends in Boston! Madelynne and I went together, and I stayed with her and her husband and two daughters. It was so fun and also SUPER powerful to connect about parenthood and marriage, both of us having been with our partners long term.
There is something powerful about long-term partnership, about hard “won” challenges, depth, commitment, and understanding of what it takes to actually make a relationship great.
There’s also something about sisterhood that we should never overlook – it’s magic to be with your girlfriends and to witness them as mothers.
Why I started The New Truth podcast was to bring a message of clarity, conviction, and confidence around what real love requires as we dismantle the myths of the fairytale. I wanted to send a message that no matter what your past looked like, you can create a new love story, but it requires a new version of you.
You can embrace these truths from a centered place, not from a victimized one, and recognize the CORE truth of life – which is that you CAN create your reality.
Your midweek mantra is “I am in charge of my beliefs about myself and about love. I am the author of my love story.”✨

So many women have been fed the fairytale story that leads them to believe they are helpless and powerless in love.
They walk around believing that being in a relationship / being “chosen” means they’ve “made it” in their life but forget to pay attention to whether or not the person they are with is capable of co-creating something with them.
Self-actualization is about cultivating an extraordinary relationship with your SELF, healing, and transforming limiting beliefs.
It’s also about healing and transforming limiting STORIES about relationships arriving into the givens of life and givens of love and doing the work to CREATE the experiences we desire.
I love working with women on the path to love because there is preparation work to be done to be able to receive the kind of love so many crave.
We have to become the versions of ourselves available for that kind of alignment.
Many are well versed in looking outside of themselves for fulfillment (or looking to their partner) rather than doing the inner work that sets them up for success with whom they partner.
All relationships go through seasons and changes, all relationships ebb and flow, and all relationships require each person to bring all of who they are to the table.
It is a powerful thing to CREATE something with someone else versus what many do, which is COLLAPSE into one another, and that’s how relationships go stale.
Relationships are confronting, especially when you’re in a good one, because sometimes we are safe enough to deal with ourselves, and we have the opportunity to be seen in our power.
All of my clients discover the truth of who they are, become skilled at navigating all that relationships require, and reclaim their power around recognizing that they are choosing TOO.
You CAN create whatever you wish to experience in love; it is not just handed to you.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week,“How to Stop Tolerating Less Than You Deserve.” If you’re in a relationship that you are constantly questioning, are wondering if you’re settling, or if it’s toxic… this episode is for you. We show you how to stop tolerating table scraps in dating and painful, unhealthy relationships – so you can finally experience the healthy, powerful love you desire and deserve.
I love you,