Love Letter: What IS a conscious relationship? (9/6/23)

“Conscious relationship” is a term being used quite often these days, and I want to share with you what it means to me. I love supporting women in creating conscious relationships and then going on to become conscious parents (if they choose).
Consciousness has nothing to do with needing to always be reading personal development books, always seeking to be more / better than you are, or that both you and your partner go to workshops.
Conscious relationships are intentional relationships. They are made up of two, emotionally mature people, who are doing the inner work to break free from dysfunctional survival patterns and instead behave in productive, purposeful ways that actually create intimacy, connection, and magic in their lives and relationships. It’s big work, and it’s work that’s available to all.
Your midweek mantra is, “I choose to live my life with intention.”✨

Consciousness is about mindfulness and intentionality. It’s also about self-awareness, accountability, and empathy.
A conscious relationship can only be as conscious as the individuals IN IT, and one person CANNOT hold it all for the partnership.
Self-awareness makes a huge difference in our lives, not just in romantic partnerships.
Being able to show up as our adult selves versus our wounded inner children is (at the core) what makes a relationship healthy.
Conscious relationships also include deep reverence for one another, respect, admiration, and care.
A conscious relationship also includes individuals who wish to transform and heal generational trauma.
Many of my clients come from broken families, so they’ve never witnessed a healthy relationship.
Regardless of whether or not they want children, they want a relationship in which they are no longer handing off their inner child to try and get the childhood they never had.
Everything Andrew and I do is intentional, and recently, my sister reflected that back to me about how we parent; it was one of the most powerful compliments we could have received.
Conscious relationship is not about perfection. It’s about presence. It’s also about peace rather than performance, and it’s about purpose.
They see the relationship as a container for each of their growth and in support of one another’s healing.
They know that what they do and what they say matters.
So many people want a conscious relationship and forget that they can only create what they have created within themselves with someone else.
I believe relationships are sacred gifts, and it’s BIG WORK to transform your childhood conditioning and create something new.
I love working with my clients to step into the role of CREATOR and out of the patriarchal conditioned program of women as princesses who wish to be chosen.
You are the creator of your love life and love story, and you can transform old patterns into something new.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How to Manifest Your Partner.” If you are curious about the process of manifestation or if you’ve been trying really hard to manifest your partner and it doesn’t seem to be working, this episode is for you! I answer all your manifestation questions and drop some truth bombs around what it is and what it isn’t and how you really can become the author of your love life.
I love you,