Love Letter: Dating Mindset Shifts Required for Great Love (10/4/23)

Personal power is something that is really important to me.
For much of my own healing journey, reclamation was about seeing how much choice I had over my thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
As a codependent, I was always living in REACTION to life rather than responding to life and also creating my life.
I work with women who wish to reclaim the path of the creator, to not always feel like they have to live based on the energy of others around them, and mindset work is one piece of the puzzle.
Mindset is one of the pieces that support our power of choice.
The choice over our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Dating is a miserable experience if we have limiting beliefs and disempowering thoughts about it, and we actually can change our thoughts about it. When our thoughts change, our feelings change, and then our behavior changes. These are mindsets I offer my clients, and I hope you find them helpful.
Your midweek mantra is, “I choose empowering thoughts about myself and about love.”✨
We think dating is just putting up a dating profile and responding to people, and we’ll inevitably find “love.”
We have so many women living inside the Disney fairytale that we are helpless to dictate our romantic lives and accept whatever comes our way.
My whole life changed when I decided to believe in real love and cultivate my capacity to CREATE the experiences I wish to have.
This included cleaning up my trauma and dysfunctional behaviors and stepping into my power.
Mindset matters.
Mindset *does not* fix trauma, but it’s the start that gets you into being willing TO heal your trauma and face the pain of your childhood, face the truth of behaviors that work versus behaviors that don’t, and step into your power to create your love life.
I love the work I get to do with women because it’s in-depth work – every area of their life shifts because the main relationship that shifts is the one they have with themselves.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How You Push Love Away.” We reveal the number one behavior that is not only stopping women from experiencing real love in their lives but is hurting them deeply. Learn how to transform this behavior so that you can experience true intimacy in all of your relationships.
I love you,