Love Letter: 5 Things Blocking Your Heart to Love (11/1/23)

I believe relationship skills are LIFE skills.
I am constantly aware of how much parenting is about relationships and how much my marriage impacts my daughter (and everyone around me). We receive NO education about relationships, and so many women are deeply, deeply struggling in this area of their lives.
I want to live in a world where we SHAMELESSLY ask for help and shamelessly allow ourselves to learn how to do relationships well. Where we invest in learning about ourselves so we can fulfill our potential and, most of all, BE OURSELVES in a world that wants us to be someone else.
I have been doing this work for over 10 years with clients, and there are 5 key themes I see over and over again that keep women stuck.
If love is the thing we crave, we have to be willing to get honest about what’s standing in the way. I struggled with many of these, too, and I want you to know you are NOT ALONE in your pain, and there is a way out, a way to growth and maturity and healing that is available to you.
Your midweek mantra is, “I am willing to see what’s in the way of me opening my heart to giving and receiving love.” ✨

The path to partnership is a transformational healing path when someone allows it to be.
It doesn’t have to be a road of disappointments, despair, and hopelessness that many women experience.
It doesn’t have to be a path of wishing and hoping for someone to love US the way we always wanted and instead BECOME the love we’ve always wanted and let that love guide our choices and behavior and receptivity to the partner that is aligned for us.
I love walking this path with women as they come home to the woman they’ve always dreamed of being and then receive the kind of partner they’ve always yearned for.
They arrive at the moment of partnership already whole and with the skills needed to make love last.
They arrive at the moment of partnership without any delusion of what they think relationships “should be” and instead know how to create and sustain intimacy and connection.
They know how to ride the waves of life with the right partner by their side.
The patterns that keep us stuck are not infinite, nor are they that unique.
Almost all of my clients have struggled with the five things listed in the graphic above.
The opposite of hyper-independence is codependence – women who struggle to care for themselves and look for others to do that for them.
Relational intelligence is a skill that ALL can learn.
Healing must happen in our hearts to be able to open to the kind of love that (I believe) all are meant to experience.
Romantic partnership can be an incredible place for healing, growth, and magic when we do the inner work first.
Those who don’t do the inner work end up having relationships that take a lot of work 🙂
They also end up having relationships that do NOT WORK!
Love works when you learn how to do it well.
Check out The New Truth podcast episode from this week, “How to Set Yourself Free from the Fairytale.” ALSO, I want to take a moment to celebrate a huge milestone of 200 episodes of The New Truth Podcast! We are proud to revolutionize how women navigate dating, relationships, and life. The Fairytale affects ALL aspects of love – not just relationships, so if you’re ready for the next level of empowerment, pleasure, and joy in your life, this episode is for you. Thank you for tuning in and being a part of our podcast!
I love you,