All of these women came to me confused about healthy partnership, having never had it before.
Now, they know how to thrive both in their life and in love. All spent years spinning their wheels dating and not creating the result they wanted in love.
After investing in 1:1 mentorship, all of these women are either building a life they love knowing that a partner will come or have already found the one.
“I wanted so much to be chosen by a man. I didn’t realize that was driving me until Catherine helped me see if I wanted someone to choose me, then I would need to choose myself. To me now, choosing me means first and foremost knowing that my essence is beauty and love. My body is beautiful, my heart is beautiful, my desires are beautiful, my soul is beautiful, and the way in which I move in the world is beautiful. By choosing myself I met the one who chose me and who chose me enthusiastically! The man who couldn’t wait to commit to me. I realized that I was falling in love with one of my best friends, James. I am experiencing a relationship which has the ease, freedom, grounding and joy that I used to only dream about. I’m grateful to Catherine who asked the right questions and taught me what I needed to know to love differently.”

“I was just getting out of a 3-year relationship and it was a brutal break up. I was extremely codependent and struggled with believing I would ever find love again. I wanted to work with Catherine to heal, transform, and grow and I was moved by her story of hope when I heard her on an interview!! Through working with Catherine I was able to heal from my break up, believe in love again, end my patterns of codependency and attract amazing people into my life. I learned to love dating and sure enough, I met my man. We are moving in together and I couldn’t be happier!”
“I wanted to work with Catherine because I realized how disconnected I felt with other people and specifically men. I had just started a relationship with someone and didn’t want to sabotage it, like I usually did. Catherine’s path walked me not only to joy in my heart but joy in my romantic relationship! I learned so much about love, relationships and communication. I trust myself today and happily moved in with my boyfriend and we’re committed to a future together! I am so happy I learned how to love.”

“I was having a really hard time moving on from past relationships, and I knew I needed professional help. I had a lot of ideas about what was going on - I read a lot of blogs and went to therapy - but I needed someone who could give me the tools to move on and would hold me accountable. The most valuable thing I've gotten from working with Catherine is the ability to love myself through difficult periods and doubts. Instead of beating myself up, I acknowledge my feelings and why they're there, and I do whatever might help me process them, like journaling or meditating. Coaching is easily one of the best things I've ever done. Through working with Catherine I healed my heart and believed I was worthy and deserving of true love. Within a few weeks of signing up for online dating, I met a great guy who I feel comfortable with, who is kind, generous, loving and excited to commit to our relationship! It's not just about finding a relationship - it's about finding yourself. And that's a beautiful thing for every aspect of your life, and will be useful for your entire life.”
"I hired Catherine because I was tired of struggling so much in love and relationships. I was tired of trying to save men that I had no business attempting to save, tired of falling for narcissistic and abusive men, tired of being in on-again-off-again relationships, tired of staying too long in relationships and tired of not being honest with myself about what I wanted. I was so scared of making this investment in myself but I am so glad I did. I now have more self love and confidence than I ever could have imagined, I am reconnected with my power and actively creating the life I want, I am saying NO to what I don't want with ease and no longer afraid of speaking my truth to men. I have no doubt I am going to find someone and after putting up an online dating profile I am super proud of, high quality men are reaching out to me and I am enjoying myself! I am so happy I chose to work with Catherine who continues to help me believe in myself and in love."

“Before working with Catherine I didn’t know who I was. I was caught up in who the world wanted me to be, who my parents wanted me to be and who I thought I needed to be in order to be successful. Catherine helped me to discover who I am and helped me to see that who I am is enough. Through this I was able to attract the most incredible man I have ever met! Did I mentioned that this happened just two weeks after I decided to believe it COULD happen? After being single and dating for the past 3 years. Catherine showed me tangible tools and how I had to shift my mindset in order to attract the love that I desired and it was EASY!”
this is a love revolution.
here’s how you become a part of it.

true love training.
Ever feel like the joyful, passionate, and healthy relationship you’ve been longing for is a myth? I’m here to tell you it’s not. In this free training, you’ll discover how to stop working so hard for love and simply surrender to it instead.

open up to community.
Women need each other as we walk the path of transformation, and that’s OK. The free Sisters of The Heart online community is your sacred space for receiving support from, connecting with, and awakening alongside your fellow creators of conscious love.

get coached in love.
I’ve helped hundreds of women go from disconnected, disheartened and disembodied to connected, powerful and in partnership. Now it’s your turn to come home to love too. This is where healing meets skill, soul meets body, and you meet your match.
“Before working with Catherine I really struggled with being vulnerable, expressing my needs in relationship and acknowledging my childhood wounding. I chose to work with Catherine so I could heal, so I could love myself. Since working with her, I am now able to have choice in my current behavior patterns, I am implementing self care on a daily basis, I trust myself, and I can feel the experience of my own love. Catherine’s compassion and ability to truly hold a safe space for authentic sharing is what makes transformation possible with her. Catherine is the woman to go to if you want to be more authentic in your life!”

“Working with Catherine I’ve seen so many life-altering changes to the dynamics of multiple relationships in my life. I went from being in a romantic relationship with no communication or intimacy to being able to openly convey feelings instead of placing blame, then as I began to develop true self-love I was able to recognize that this relationship was still not completely fulfilling me and it was time to leave it. Armed with my new found self-love and all of the supporting tools Catherine had given to me, I was able to gracefully pass through one of the most difficult breakups of my life. After learning how to love myself from the inside out, my life has radically changed. What self-love looks like for me is taking the time to slow down, pursuing activities that fulfill me, no longer tolerating bad behavior from others, and genuinely taking care of my body. Since starting this work with Catherine, I’ve lost about 20 lb. without even trying, simply because I care for myself enough now to not consume things that are detrimental to my health. I never understood people who walked around saying that they are “grateful” for everything. Until one day it happened to me. I woke up and was hit with an overwhelming sense of appreciation for everything in my life, and most especially for the opportunity to be on this amazing journey of healing with Catherine as my coach.”
“I was going from relationship to relationship, always liking what he likes, always comparing myself to other women and always feeling lost. I used to think that I always wanted to be “his” dream girl, that I had to be the “perfect woman for him.” After doing this work, I know I AM MY DREAM WOMAN! I am who I always dreamed I would be. I effortlessly attract high quality men and know it’s possible for me to have everything I want. I have no doubt I’ll meet the one!”

“I have always struggled with the notion that I intrinsically deserve love and happiness, and that I deserve to love myself separate from external factors (achievements, weight, bank account, etc.). I committed to The Path to Love program and it enabled me to make the changes I needed to in order to be more fully open to love. I am now engaged to a wonderful man who exuberantly experiences life with me. I have so much gratitude for Catherine, The Path to Love, and the remarkable results that manifested in my life!”
“I met Catherine when I was finally willing to try anything to feel better because my tried and true methods weren’t helping (therapy, working out, binge watching TV). Within a few sessions, she dug through my very tough exterior and together we made progress that years of therapy hadn’t been able to touch. In just one year, I went from a woman who was giving up on love, was in a depression, and was never truly open and rose into her complete opposite. My friendships and family relationships have never been better. My career is booming and I’m starting another business as well. I’m in a relationship with someone who is so present to what we are building together, who I am now purchasing a home with. A man who I cast off before working with Catherine, a man I would not have been able to receive before working with Catherine. And most importantly, I’m able to look myself in the mirror and see myself for all the greatness that I possess and am capable of. It’s just so much easier to say I love myself these days and truly mean it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Catherine for helping me along on my journey.

Stop rushing. Start reading.
Pour yourself a steaming mug of coffee and settle in with these featured posts from the blog.